Shooting like the clockwork
Kyle Swanston tells his secret to be a good shooter.
Last year you were in Japan. Do you have any interesting stories about Japanese people or the team?
Last year I was in Japan, I learned a lot about the culture in a few short months there in Akita. The most important thing there is respect for yourself and respect for others.A funny story: on valentines day in Japan the WOMEN give the MEN valentines gifts so after the game we walked around and got chocolates and gifts from the great fans in Akita
Your girlfriend visited you for your birthday and you travelled to Budapest. What did you do there?
While in Budapest we walked around and went out to eat at some restaurants. Also, while in Budapest I went to see one of my friends from Florida play basketball (London Warren) who plays in the B division in Budapest.
Why did you choose Kaposvár for you next step in your professional life?
As a professional, I chose Kaposvar as the next step in my journey because after doing my research I believed this team had a great chance to be special which would also help me out in the long run.
What is your goal in basketball?
My goal IS and ALWAYS WILL BE to reach the highest level of performance and play at the highest level possible.
What is your secret, do you have any procedure bringing fortune to you to have a good shooting force?
I think my secret to having a good shooting performance and getting the desired results is not only practice, but the way that you practice. I believe that you can go into a gym and shoot 500 shots a day and still be an average shooter when the game comes around. You have to take shots while in scrimmages and practice that are game like and get repetition that way so when the game comes its like clockwork.